Hello to our distinguished guests, Australian Shihans, Sensei, Sempai and students,
The 3 day NSW leg of our famous Grand Master’s tour of Australia has been successfully completed.
Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi Hanshi is a renowned modern day Karate Master. He is the leader of our International Karate-do Goju Kai Association (IKGA) and the Number One Master of our style.
The seminar training was amazing, our master brings a breath of fresh air and vitality each time he teaches his dynamic Karate-do! He has the ability to have all present engaged and learning to increase their potential.
Saiko Shihan brought two assistant Instructors with him from his Japan Headquarters (the Hombu Dojo).
His son Gohei Yamaguchi Shihan, is a very talented Master who is obviously following in his father’s footsteps.
Also assisting was Jaco Minnaar Shihan, a South African Master who is living and training in Japan, at the Hombu Dojo.
Brian Mackie Hanshi is our Australian Director and Chief Instructor, he has capably organized and coordinated the events. Brian Hanshi travelled over from Perth for the NSW seminar and celebrations, before returning home to conduct the second leg of the Australian seminars there. At present the Perth Seminar participants are enjoying Saiko Shihan’s wonderful training.
Sydney’s Paul Starling Hanshi is a member of the IKGA Presidents Council. In his role as an IKGA Vice President, Paul Hanshi attended the 60th anniversary celebration Wednesday evening and put his watchful eye over the training Thursday morning.
We had members travel from Japan, New Zealand, Western Australia, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia, to join the NSW members. All feedback has been positive following these events on the Central Coast of NSW.
I humbly thank all the IKGA members and their families, who travelled from overseas, around Australia and all over NSW to join Saiko Shihan at this historical gathering for IKGA Australia.
Worth a mention is the huge effort in organizing this NSW
event by the Sydney Goju Kai committee, and particularly their President Mark
Burton Shihan.
The Australian Masters who came to assist with teaching and to continue their learning were: Iwan Pranatio Shihan from Victoria, Tom Curtis Shihan and Alvaro Martos Shihan from Queensland, Lindsay Johnston Shihan from New Zealand and Basil Gotsis Shihan from Western Australia. We thank you all.
A huge thank you to Saiko Shihan and all the Master Instructors, who continually give their time, knowledge and experience! We all greatly benefit from these lessons, in our lives.
Finally I would like to focus on Gohei Yamaguchi Shihan’s speech, in closing our 60th anniversary function. He had all present clap together with only one finger (one finger each hand), then with two fingers, then three, four and finally all five fingers on both hands. The effect was that the sound went from feint to becoming louder and finally a very large, appreciable applause. The idea was that with just a few, little could be achieved. The more that joined in, the louder and more formidable the achievement became. Finally when everyone joined together, the sound was very loud and impressive. Proving that when we all work together in unity, we can achieve amazing things…
I look forward to working together in unity with you all,
in the future.
Kind regards,
Rick Burton Shihan
IKGA NSW Director