Saturday, January 29, 2022

First IKGA Asian Bloc online Seminar for Instructors and Shihan - 2021

On December 26, 2021, the 1st IKGA Asia Block Online Instructor and Shihan Seminar was held.

This was the first time to hold the Asia Block Seminar online, which previously had been postponed due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

All Japan Karatedo Gojukai / International Karatedo Gojukai Chairman Goshi Yamaguchi Saiko Shihan, IKGA Asia Block Chief Gohei Yamaguchi Shihan, and IKGA Asia Deputy Block Chief Hideki Wakasugi Shihan all participated in the seminar as presenters and lecturers.

This year's Asia Block Online Seminar included a Shihan seminar and an Instructors' seminar for 3rd dan and above. A total of 17 countries with more than 100 members participated.

Since the training was conducted online, kumite technique with minimal movement as well as basic training (Kihon) were the focus for the Instructor seminar, as well as the new training kata Sanshu. Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi led Kenshu and Shoshu practice.

In the Shihan seminar, following Kenshu and Shoshu, practice then led to Ryoshu and Shihan Kata (Tokuteigata). It was a lively seminar full of ideas that could not be exchanged for two years.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Secretariat of the All Japan Karatedo Gojukai for their cooperation in holding the seminar, and to all the leaders and instructors who participated in this online seminar.

Asia Block Director
Gohei Yamaguchi

Seminar Participating Countries

Japan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand

17 countries in total

IKGA Asian Block Seminar 2021

Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi and Shihan Hideki Wakasugi

Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi, Gohei Yamaguchi Shihan,
Hideki Wakasugi Shihan

IKGA Asian Block Seminar 2021 participants

Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi